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Sediment Detention Bund Fielday, May 24th

We’d like to invite you to a fielday on the 24th May.  Come and learn about sediment detainment bunds, and how these can be built/constructed into your farm’s landscapes.Many of you will have seen similar scenes to that in the picture seen in the background of the poster. -With heavy downpours, “streams” appear through gullies which are normally dry!If you weren’t aware, we had an initial fielday at Hodderville Farms in November last year, before the bunds were constructed. &...

May 8, 2024

Local business/rural professionals planting day! May 22nd

We are continuing our series of planting days at a site we are restoring on the Whakauru Stream (a tributary to the Pokaiwhenua Stream) on the outskirts of Tokoroa, in conjunction with Raukawa and DairyNZ.Local businesses, industries, rural professionals, this day is for you! (And anyone else who would like to come along, you are more than welcome)We'd love you to join us to plant some beautiful native plants, learn about what we are doing at this site, have some laughs toget...

May 8, 2024

DairyNZ, Raukawa, Pokaiwhenua Catchment Group Community project

Pokaiwhenua Catchment Project:The project operates in DairyNZ partnership with Raukawa Charitable Trust to establish a holistic understanding of catchment health. The project combines western science with the delivery of holistic cultural assessment to prioritise effective restoration strategies in the Pokaiwhenua Catchment. The project provides a platform for science and mātauranga interpretation to landowners and the wider community as they look to address catchment issues in a targeted and i...

April 12, 2024

Empowering Farmer Compliance workshop, May 3rd

Back by popular demand, we are running this fantastic workshop again!  Empowering Farmer Compliance.  See poster below for details.Spaces are limited, and this event sold-out very quickly last time, so please jump in and register to secure your spot.  Anyone is welcome, regardless of where your farm is located!Friday 3rd May 2024 from 9:30am to 2:30pm, upstairs at Over the Moon, PutāruruRegistration is essential, register here: https://www.event...

April 12, 2024

Planting Day 20th April!

Hi everyone, We are getting cracking with some planting early this year, and you are invited to join us! This is the first of a few planting days at a site we are restoring on the Whakauru Stream (a tributary to the Pokaiwhenua Stream) on the outskirts of Tokoroa, in conjunction with Raukawa and DairyNZ. We'd love you to join us to plant some beautiful native plants, learn about what we are doing at this site, have some laughs together, and share some kai when we ha...

April 12, 2024

Animal Pest Control Event

Farmers/landowners, are you concerned about animal pest predators on your land? Keen to see and hear more native birds on your land? Want to get together and discuss what can be done collectively? There is likely more animal predators on your land than you think!Come along to this free event and hear from experts on predator control, and ways to increase native biodiversity through effective predator control.Date: Thursday 7th MarchTime: 10:00am - 2:00pmLocation: Putaruru St ...

March 7, 2024

Healthy streams from profitable pasture and fertiliser tactics

Join the Pokaiwhenua Catchment Group on Monday 4th March, along with Dr Katherine Tozer, Kate Fransen and Doug Edmeades to discuss and learn strategies for improving pasture quality, soil fertility and fertiliser use at this in-person workshop. Venue: Putaruru St John Youth Hall, 25 Overdale Street, Putaruru (opposite the Overdale Community Centre)Start: 10:00amLunch: 12:00pmFinish: 2:00pm Our speakers:Dr Katherine Tozer, Senior Scientist, AgRese...

March 4, 2024

Empowering Farmer Compliance workshop


January 19, 2024

First Aid Course

Friday 9th February. Register now:

January 19, 2024

Detention Bund Field Day

Detention Bund Field Day Want to know more about detention bunds on farms?What are the funding options?How are they designed?How can they improve water quality on your farm?Join the Pokaiwhenua Catchment Group at Hodderville Farms open field day on 14th December to discuss their detention bund project with topics including: funding options, challenges, design and construction process, water quality objectives.We will have speakers from the Waikato River Authority to share inf...

December 14, 2023

Farm First Aid Course

Please keep an eye out for another course soon...

November 24, 2023


Hi everyone, our 2023 AGM is to be held on the 17th October, 1pm at the Hodderville Events Centre.All are welcome...

September 28, 2023

August newsletter

Hi everyone, the last few months has seen a few changes within the Pokaiwhenua Catchment Group.  The founder of our group, Andrew Lennox had been in the coordinators role for a bit over a year, and wanted to step back from the day to day operations.  Meanwhile I (Hadleigh) had expressed some interest in the role after being involved on the board since we started.  Long story short, Andrew stepped down as coordinator, and was voted back onto our board as chairperson, with me steppi...

August 23, 2023

Upcoming event


July 13, 2023

March Newsletter


April 1, 2023

PCG Progress Update December 2022

View the interactive report below to find out about Pokaiwhenua Catchment Group progress.The report includes:Pokaiwhenua NumbersPCG members and FEP statusNumber of native trees planted this planting seasonArea of land retired to native plantingPines planted on steep farmlandFarmland retired to pinesLength of waterway fencedVolunteer time spentEvent feedbackSurvey results for the Pokaiwhenua Catchment Group workshops....

February 17, 2023

Feb 23 Newsletter

                           Newsletter February 23I hope you have all had a great break over the summer, enjoying this beautiful country we live in even if the weather has hardly been the greatest. Funny how there’s good and bad to this weather, on one hand its helped our plants grow, but then so have the weeds and grasses around them and we had to put extra res...

February 8, 2023

Newsletter November

Pokaiwhenua Newsletter November, 2022 Well, what a couple of months weather wise, with heavy rain events and frosts that killed crops and young trees. I hope your plantings didn’t suffer too badly. We had just replanted some more plants at the Duxfield reserve after those heavy winter frosts that killed a few to be hit again, although to be fair we have been reasonably lucky with low losses. We have had Duxfield, and Lichfield sites released, and the blackberry sprayed. This is important to st...

November 25, 2022

Pokaiwhenua Newsletter

Well planting season is over for most and it has seen 40000+ native plants go in across farms that we know about. I congratulate you all on this effort it is something to be proud of . Now the focus turns to releasing all those plants and this is so important to a successful outcome for as many of those plants as possible. If you need help with finding someone to clear plants then feel free to contact us and we can point you to some contractors. We have been applying for funding in several ...

September 30, 2022

August 22 Update

Well what a contrast from our last newsletter when it was dry and we had to postpone our planting, and we were looking for rain so as to get on with our plantings. Now of course it hasn’t stopped raining but that is at least been good for our Natives that we have planted. Firstly, a huge thankyou to the community for your support at Duxfield reserve. Over 100 people turned out and consequently 4500 plants went in very quickly. Over the last few days, we have been checking on them and they are...

August 18, 2022

Newsletter 3

Well that was a dry month and aren't we loving this rain. This good soaking rain will get down deep so that when we get to planting, the plants will have a great chance to take root. It was such a shame to have to postpone the planting day at Duxfield reserve, but hey, I'm sure it will be a great sunny day come the 29th of June so we can have all the plants in the ground. The delay does mean that the power pole should be up in the planting area by then too so we will be able to plant the wh...

May 30, 2022

Planting Day Postponed

Sad news but its just to Dry to risk planting the plants and not get enough moisture down deep and they die so we have had to take the decision to move the planting day to Wed 29th of June. Lets hope lots of you can make it out to plant then and turn this space into something Beautiful....

May 17, 2022

Newsletter 2

Hi, my name is Andrew Lennox and I took on the coordinators role in March. Since then, a lot of work has been going into planning some great events coming up and I was out and about in the community meeting lots of you and discussing where the Pokaiwhenua Catchment Group (PCG) could further your environment goals. We helped several farmers to get some funding from SWEI for riparian plantings on the Ngutawera, Wairaka and Pokaiwhenua streams....

April 18, 2022

Pokaiwhenua Catchment Group planting day

September 29 was the first public planting day since the Pokaiwhenua Catchment Group was established. This occurred on land owned by the crown (DOC administered), adjoining one of the Trinity Lands Ltd farms close to where the Wiltsdown Road crosses the Pokaiwhenua stream. The group’s mission is to restore and enhance the wellbeing of the Pokaiwhenua stream and its catchment for the benefit of the community....

October 1, 2021 Posts 1-24 of 24 | Page

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