Sediment Detention Bund Fielday, May 24th

We’d like to invite you to a fielday on the 24th May.  Come and learn about sediment detainment bunds, and how these can be built/constructed into your farm’s landscapes.

Many of you will have seen similar scenes to that in the picture seen in the background of the poster. -With heavy downpours, “streams” appear through gullies which are normally dry!

If you weren’t aware, we had an initial fielday at Hodderville Farms in November last year, before the bunds were constructed.  

The bunds have now been constructed, so it’s time to go back and see these!

Come and hear from renowned expert in this field, John Paterson.

This is a demonstration project, supported by the Pokaiwhenua Catchment Group, and co-funded by the Waikato River Authority.

Come along to this informative day on May 24th.  We won’t keep you long! Just 10am through till Midday.

Registration is essential so that we know how much lunch to organise!

Register here, or via the QR code on the flier attached



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